Arlington Community Garden, located on the grounds of Tree Hill Nature Center is a community garden dedicated to growing food for the food pantry at Arlington Community Services.
Please know that monetary donations are always appreciated and help the Garden continue its important work. If you have any questions please email the Garden directly at: Thank you!
To enhance environmental justice by providing healthy food for those who do not have access to it, by growing that food using sound environmental practices, and in so doing provide opportunities to learn about environmental stewardship and healthier lifestyles.
The Arlington Community Garden is a collaboration between Tree Hill Nature Center and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Jacksonville as well as Jacksonville University. The Garden is located on the grounds of Tree Hill at the Joseph A. Strasser Amphitheater and also receives a great deal of monetary, in-kind, and labor support from Tree Hill. The Unitarian Universalist Church also provides monetary and labor support for the Garden.
If you are interested in supporting the Arlington Community Garden by making a donation, tending the garden or if you have any questions please email